Software Quality

Coverage report for a GitHub private repository with GitHub Actions
PermGen errors and java.lang.ClassCastException: com.sun.crypto.provider.AESCipher cannot be cast to javax.crypto.CipherSpi running Jenkins plug-in tests with PowerMock
Performance problems in Jenkins TAP Plug-in — part 1
Learning afl and testing MapServer
Running BDD tests from TestLink in Jenkins
Jenkins, TestLink and GTest in 5 minutes (or so)
Paper: Patterns for Introducing a Superclass for Test Classes
Testing shell code and producing TAP using Jenkins?
TDC 2011 Goiânia
Practical test doubles: adding stubs to TestLink Java API
Missed JCertif
TDC 2011 Floripa presentation about running your tests in Jenkins
Bug hunting, new job and preparing presentations
A comparison of TAP (Test Anything Protocol) and SubUnit
Faça seus Testes Falarem TAP (Make your Tests Speak TAP) article published in MundoJ, issue 47, March/April 2011
Belgium Testing Days 2011 Pictures
TestLink and Hudson (now Jenkins) short tutorial in Automated Software Testing Magazine, issue March 2011
Discussing the flexibility of TAP to cover information generated by TestNG
Getting the maximum from TestNG with TAP
Belgium Testing Days 2011: Manage automated tests with TestLink and Hudson/Jenkins
Code coverage helps, but it's not enough
Article about TestLink and Hudson integration published
Automating tests with Hudson and TestLink (pt-BR only)
Encontro Ágil 2010 - Lighting talk about Test Automation with TestLink and Hudson
tap4j - A new TAP implementation in Java
New version of CCM Hudson Plugin released
TestLink BUG-1890: Possibility to add attachment by using API
Article about metrics and code analysis published
CCM Hudson Plugin