Using Docker to run Cypress with Maven
Apache Jena runs Cypress tests from Maven, which makes running everything
containerized a bit more difficult. To make it more complicated, we also
used wait-on
and concurrently
to orchestrate how the tests and API
test process are launched.
The solution found was to combine the official Maven docker image,
with the cypress/included
in a multi-stage build.
# A multi-stage image with Cypress and Java+Maven for Jena... ALv2...
# To build it:
# `docker build -t jena/build:latest .`
# To run it:
# `docker run --entrypoint "" --rm -ti jena/build:latest /bin/bash`
FROM maven:3.9.8-eclipse-temurin-21-jammy AS maven
# The Maven stage. Nothing to see here, we simply copy artefacts
# from this stage onto the next one.
# Docs:
FROM cypress/included:13.13.1
# The image with Cypress and everything else included. Compatible
# with temurin jammy, so we can just copy Maven and Java, and set
# the $PATH.
# Docs:
# NOTE: The Cypress image must match our Cypress version in package.json.
# This is due to how Cypress loads the binary from the cache. It'll
# expect a binary at `/root/.cache/Cypress/$version/Cypress/`. With
# the `$version` coming from the version from the package.json file.
COPY --from=maven /usr/share/maven/ /usr/share/maven/
COPY --from=maven /opt/java/ /opt/java
ENV PATH="/usr/share/maven/bin:/opt/java/openjdk/bin:$PATH"
CMD ["mvn"]
Using the image created with the Dockerfile
above, one can test Jena
Fuseki UI with containers with:
docker run \
--sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1 \
--rm -ti --name jena-build \
-v "/home/kinow/Development/java/workspace/jena":/usr/src/mymaven \
-w /usr/src/mymaven \
jena/build:latest \
mvn clean test install --projects jena-fuseki2/jena-fuseki-ui
Without the option to disable IPV6 wait-on
got stuck even after the endpoint
was ready and available.
Based on this gist.
Categories: Programming
Tags: Containers, Opensource, Programming