Groovy Hooks in Jenkins for increasing logging level

Yesterday, while debugging a problem we had in the BioUno update center, I realized that after increasing the logging level in the WEB interface, the messages that I needed weren’t being displayed in the logs.

It happened because some of the logging happened during Jenkins initialization, and before I could adjust the log level.

The solution was to use a Groovy Hook Script. If you are familiar with Linux init scripts, the idea is quite similar.

A Groovy script in the $JENKINS_ROOT_DIR/init.groovy.d/ directory is executed during Jenkins initialization. This way you can increase the global logger level with a script as the following below.

import java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler
import java.util.logging.LogManager
import java.util.logging.Logger
import java.util.logging.Level

def logger = Logger.getLogger("")
logger.addHandler (new ConsoleHandler())

Happy logging!

Categories: Blog

Tags: Jenkins, Groovy