Jacobe Maven Plugin

When I started working in the TestLink java api with Daniel Padilla, he mentioned in some of his mails a tool called Jacobe. After I googled for this tool I found it in TIOBE’s website. Jacobe is a tool of TIOBE that beautifies your Java code, according to some rules that you can specify in one configuration file.

This is what Jacobe does, basically.

Jacobe itself is an executable but TIOBE provides an Ant task that lets you call Jacobe from an Ant build file. But wait a minute! What about Maven? Yeah, exactly. Jacobe lacked of Maven support. I talked to the guys from TIOBE and they kindly let me implement a Maven Plugin for Jacobe.

The plugin source code is hosted at SourceForge.net, and you can find a quick Introduction about it in http://maven-jacobe.sourceforge.net/. The maven plugin version 1.0 artifact was released on Wednesday to Sonatype’s release repository and Sonatype already enabled Maven Central Repository synchronization. However it may take some time for them update the repository index.


Categories: Blog

Tags: Java